Autumn Programme - 1 November 2018

Sirius Minerals, building a sustainable deep mine

Asher Haynes, Project Geologist, Sirius Minerals

Sirius Minerals are building the first deep mine in the UK for over 40 years. The mine will extract polyhalite mineral which is sold as a multi-nutrient fertilizer.

The mineral will be extracted via two deep mine shafts and transported outside of the North York Moors National Park to Teesside on a conveyer belt system in an underground tunnel. It will then be granulated at a materials handling facility, with the majority being exported to overseas markets. The Company is aiming to achieve first product from the mine by the end of 2021, ramping up to an initial production capacity of 10 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) and then full production of 20 Mtpa. Construction is already underway across the multiple project sites and once in operation the mine and facilities will employ over 1000 people. The talk will provide an overview of the recent history and current status of the project, from planning though detailed design and into construction.